Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Speedy Gonzalez

Following the success of the Alvin and the Chipmunk films, producers are dusting off other cartoon properties for live action / CGI remakes. Next up, according to The Hollywood Reporter, is Warner Bros take on Speedy Gonzalez, with comedian George Lopez on board to provide the voice.

Garfield screenwriters Alex Socolow and Joel Cohen (not coen) have penned the screenplay, which according to producer Anne Lopez recasts Speedy as "a misunderstood boy who comes from a family that works in a very meticulous setting, and he's a little too fast for what they do. He makes a mess of that. So he has to go out in the world to find what he's good at."

Lopez has also indicated that they will be careful to avoid the accusations of racial stereotyping which have plagued the cartoon in the past.

Whilst this sounds terrible and it is difficult to see the appeal of such an outdated character, the same could be said a few years back of Alvin and friends, and if they can achieve a fraction of that success Warner Brothers will be speeding their way to the bank (groan..)

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