Saturday, January 22, 2011

Scream 4 Official Trailer

Here's the full length trailer for the somewhat belated fourth film in the Scream series. Most of the surviving characters return, together with the original writer and director.

The tone of the film looks to be (perhaps too) similar to the first film with repeated references to the changing rules of the horror genre mixed in with jump scares. It also looks to be going down the self referential route of the earlier sequels, with a copycat killer inspired by a movie based on the events of the first film.

Scream 4 hits theatres on April 15th.

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

First Look at Captain America

Entertainment Weekly has the first high resolution shot of Chris Evans in his Captain America costume. The Joe Johnston directed film is scheduled to open in July this summer, with Evans also appearing as the character in next years Avengers movie.

The costume is true to the comic books, but it ha to be said looks somewhat goofy in this still.

Although the character has his fans, it is fair to say he ranks considerably below the likes of Spiderman and The Hulk both in popularity and recognition amongst none comic fans. With both this and Thor due for release this year, it will be interesting to see how mainstream audiences take to the 'second string' characters of the Marvel universe.

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