Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Batman 3

The LA Times has a three part interview with Christopher Nolan in which he talks at length about the reaction to the Dark Knight and his possible ambivalence about taking on a further sequel.

Angels and Demons

First shot of Ron Howard's Da Vinci Code prequel, showing a thankfully mulletless Tom Hanks alongside Israeli actress Ayelet Zurer.

More pictures and an accompanying article can be found at USA Today.

Iron Man 2 / The Avengers

Marvel studios have confirmed that Robert Downey jr is signed up not only for the forthcoming Iron Man sequel, but also for The Avengers team up movie, which is currently set for a July 2011 release. The press release states that "In a movie event, THE AVENGERS will bring together the super hero team of Marvel Comics characters for the first time ever, including Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, the Hulk and more, as they are forced to band together to battle the biggest foe they've ever faced."

Jon Favreau, also confirmed as Iron Man 2 director will be a producer on The Avengers.

Source: Cinematical

American Pie 4

After a series of successful straight to DVD spin offs, Moviehole reports that plans are afoot to produce a theatrical sequel to the American Pie series. Few details are available as of yet, but it is presumed that at least some of the original cast will be returning
Source: Moviehole