Saturday, June 21, 2008

Zack and Miri

It looks like Kevin Smith's latest comedy may have hit rating problems in the US, according to star Seth Rogen. In an interview with MTV, Rogen is quoted as saying

"The MPAA is gunning for us, I think,"[...] "It's a really filthy movie. I hear they are having some problems getting an R rating from an NC-17 rating, which is never good."

Rogen goes on to point out the strange double standards at the US rating boards, where films like Hostel come through relatively unscathed but scenes showing (or even discussing) intercourse are frowned upon.

Of course, this is not the first time Kevin Smith has had trouble with the ratings board, with his debut film Clerks initially been given an NC-17 rating before distributor Miramax appealed.


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