Monday, April 21, 2008

Saturn & The End of Days

Whilst promoting Hellboy 2 at the New York Comic Con, Guillermo Del Toro indicated that he would know in the next week or so whether he would be directing The Hobbit movies. Del Toro went on to detail his plans for a forthcoming more personal film, entitled Saturn & The End of Days. A thematic sequel to The Devils Backbone and Pans Labyrinth, the film tells the story of a young boy, Saturn, who witnesses the end of the world whilst walking back and forth to the grocery store. Del Toro went on to say:-

“It’s like, what would happen if the Apocalypse was viewed by you [while] doing errands. You go back and forth and nothing big happens except the entire world is being sucked into a vortex of fire.”

Talking about independent vs Hollywood filmmaking, Del Toro stated:

“The small movies you have much more control. If I say this is the design of the fawn and the girl is going to do this or do that, that’s me. In Big Hollywood movies, you get a 50-page memo. It’s horrible. Independent filmmaking is like drawing a comic book, the Hollywood movie is like having five hands holding your hand while you’re drawing the comic book.”

Of course as well as the Hobbit Del Toro has his Frankenstein reimagining and HP Lovecraft adaptation The Mountains of Madness on the boiler, so it may be some time before we see this film but the idea sounds intriguing, and Del Toro's personal films are a lot more interesting than his more mainstream work, although Hellboy 2 looks as though it may cross this divide.

Source: Slashfilm

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