Sunday, March 14, 2010

Planet of the Apes Prequel

20th Century Fox have hired director Rupert Wyatt (the escapist) to direct it's planned Planet of the Apes prequel 'Caesar'.

The story, by Relic and Hand That Rocked The Cradle screenwriters, Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver, centres on scientists creating a hyper-intelligent race of chimps, including the titular Caeser.  Whist the film has a contemporary setting and won't feature talking apes, or indeed end with them taking over the world, the film is intended to explain the events which set in motion the history leading up to the first movie.

The film is a prequel to the 1968 original rather than the best forgotten Tim Burton Remake, although it will have to ignore the sequels, which did of course explain the origin of the apes and by the last film brought the story fairly neatly full circle.

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