Friday, April 25, 2008

The Hobbit

Following some delays and prevarication, Variety reports that Guillermo Del Toro has officially signed on to direct the Hobbit and its as yet untitled sequel, to be released in 2009 and 2010 respectively.

Well this is good news,it means that the many other projects Del Toro has mooted recently will now be put on the back burner.

The Dark Knight

New poster.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Angels and Demons

Israeli actress Ayelet Zurer has been cast as Vittoria Vetra in Ron Howard's Da Vinci Code prequel, Angels and Demons.

Zurer plays the daughter of a CERN physicist who attempting to uncover the truth behind her father's murder. Robert Langdon becomes involved and together the two have to foil a terrorist plot . Yay.

Source: Cinematical


This new Hancock trailer seems to be attempting to sell the film as an action blockbuster....

Source: Aint It Cool News

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Prince Caspian

New trailer for the next installment in the 'Chronicles of Narnia' series

Monday, April 21, 2008

Saturn & The End of Days

Whilst promoting Hellboy 2 at the New York Comic Con, Guillermo Del Toro indicated that he would know in the next week or so whether he would be directing The Hobbit movies. Del Toro went on to detail his plans for a forthcoming more personal film, entitled Saturn & The End of Days. A thematic sequel to The Devils Backbone and Pans Labyrinth, the film tells the story of a young boy, Saturn, who witnesses the end of the world whilst walking back and forth to the grocery store. Del Toro went on to say:-

“It’s like, what would happen if the Apocalypse was viewed by you [while] doing errands. You go back and forth and nothing big happens except the entire world is being sucked into a vortex of fire.”

Talking about independent vs Hollywood filmmaking, Del Toro stated:

“The small movies you have much more control. If I say this is the design of the fawn and the girl is going to do this or do that, that’s me. In Big Hollywood movies, you get a 50-page memo. It’s horrible. Independent filmmaking is like drawing a comic book, the Hollywood movie is like having five hands holding your hand while you’re drawing the comic book.”

Of course as well as the Hobbit Del Toro has his Frankenstein reimagining and HP Lovecraft adaptation The Mountains of Madness on the boiler, so it may be some time before we see this film but the idea sounds intriguing, and Del Toro's personal films are a lot more interesting than his more mainstream work, although Hellboy 2 looks as though it may cross this divide.

Source: Slashfilm


Smodcast 47 is available now from

Description as follows:

SModcast 47: Destroy All Monsters -

In which our heroes are visited by a special guest, discuss disturbing defecation, inadvertently brag about the size of a shower, puzzle over plumbing, and muse (or Mewes) about a movie that might’ve been.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Incredible Hulk

New image from The Incredible Hulk. Confirmation too from a panel at NYCC, that Robert Downey Jr will cameo as Tony Stark in the film.

We havent covered the recent stories regarding the apparent behind the scenes wrangling on the film, but apparently these have now been resolved. Apparently we will be seeing Marvel's preferred cut of the film, which is shorter and more ation orientated that the deeper character piece Edward Norton had in mind. Eagle eyed poster viewers have also pointed out that the screenplay is credited to 'Edward Harris' (Nortons middle name). Whether Norton intends to do the publicity rounds for the film remain up in the air.

Source: Cinematical

Friday the 13th

Following the sucess of PG-13 remakes of Prom Night and The Eye, together with the disappointing box office of harder edged horror such as Halloween and Hostel 2, rumours were circulating that the Friday 13th reboot would carry the dreaded PG-13 rating. Not so, says the producer, who goes on to promise that the film will feature all the blood and sex of the series eighties heyday. In an e-mail to to website, producer Brad Fuller stated:-

“None of our remakes have been PG-13. How do you remake a rated R horror movie and take the guts out literally and figuratively? What is F13 without sex, drugs and a really, really long sharp machete? And why would we, horror fans ourselves, produce a movie devoid of the things that made the title so appealing in the first place. So let me say for the record, that the F13 that we start shooting this Thursday is a full bodied, rated R film.

“It has insane kills that will be shown in all their glory- it has a group of college students who drink and even have sex. We are betting that if we don’t hold back that the audience will reward us for being bold in a time when some horror movies are playing the ratings game. So we embrace
the R-rating Friday the 13th will have…”

Whilst many horror fans still have misgivings about the film, at least we know now this wont be a watered down, family friendly Friday 13th, which would have made no sense at all.


The Spirit

Pretty cool noir style teaser poster for 'The Spirit' to follow on from the trailer posted earleir today.

Source: Slashfilm

X Files : I Want to Believe

Very little has been revealed to date regarding the forthoming X Files sequel. It appears we now have the first indication of the plot, courtesy of the blurb for the forthcoming novelisation. The text on the back of the book reads as follows:-

"Mulder and Scully are back in the thrilling novelization of the summer 2008 blockbuster movie based on the classic X-Files TV show! When a group of women are abducted in the wintry hills of rural Virginia, the only clues to their disappearance are the grotesque human remains that begin to turn up in snow banks along the highway. With officials desperate for any lead, a disgraced priest’s questionable “visions” send local police on a wild goose chase and straight to a bizarre secret medical experiment that may or may not be connected to the women’s disappearance. It’s a case right out of The X-Files. But the FBI closed down its investigations into the paranormal years ago. And the best team for the job is ex-agents Fox Mulder and Dr. Dana Scully, who have no desire to revisit their dark past. Still, the truth of these horrific crimes is out there somewhere...and it will take Mulder and Scully to find it!"

Source: Aint it Cool News

Justice League Mortal...

...aint happening. According to producer Joel Silver, who states the film has been tabled for the time. A combination of financing issues (see previous stories) and extremely negative fan reaction is likely to blame, although the movie may still happen at some point in the future.


The Spirit

Teaser railer for Frank Miller's solo directorial debut, The Spirit, due for release next year.

Source: Cinematical