Sunday, April 20, 2008

Friday the 13th

Following the sucess of PG-13 remakes of Prom Night and The Eye, together with the disappointing box office of harder edged horror such as Halloween and Hostel 2, rumours were circulating that the Friday 13th reboot would carry the dreaded PG-13 rating. Not so, says the producer, who goes on to promise that the film will feature all the blood and sex of the series eighties heyday. In an e-mail to to website, producer Brad Fuller stated:-

“None of our remakes have been PG-13. How do you remake a rated R horror movie and take the guts out literally and figuratively? What is F13 without sex, drugs and a really, really long sharp machete? And why would we, horror fans ourselves, produce a movie devoid of the things that made the title so appealing in the first place. So let me say for the record, that the F13 that we start shooting this Thursday is a full bodied, rated R film.

“It has insane kills that will be shown in all their glory- it has a group of college students who drink and even have sex. We are betting that if we don’t hold back that the audience will reward us for being bold in a time when some horror movies are playing the ratings game. So we embrace
the R-rating Friday the 13th will have…”

Whilst many horror fans still have misgivings about the film, at least we know now this wont be a watered down, family friendly Friday 13th, which would have made no sense at all.


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