Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Hobbit

Sir Ian McKellen has confirmed his intention to reprise his role as Gandalf in the forthcoming Hobbit films.

In a question and answer session on his official website, McKellen was asked "Will you again be our Gandalf in The Hobbit now that the deal is settled?" Sir Ian answered, "Yes I will, if Peter Jackson and I have anything to do with it, he being the producer and me being, on the whole a very lucky actor."

Asked whether executive producer Peter Jackson had approached him about reprising the role, McKellen elaborated:-

"Encouragingly, Peter and Fran Walsh have told me they couldn't imagine The Hobbit without their original Gandalf. Their confidence hasn't yet been confirmed by the director Guillermo del Toro but I am keeping my diary free for 2009!"

Source: The Guardian

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