Saturday, March 15, 2008

Friday the 13th

Casting calls have gone out for the Jason Vorhees role in the forthcoming Friday the 13th remake. Producers have sent the following descriptions to casting agencies:-

JASON VOORHEES: Caucasian, fair complexion, Late 20's, Early 30's, stunt man. He is thin, lean, and cut from living off the land and residing in the forest around Crystal Lake...

YOUNG JASON VOORHEES: Caucasian, fair complexion, older, smaller, kid to play 9 or 10 years of age..

The above suggests that Vorhees plays a large role in the film, which confirms that this film will be a strict remake of the original Friday 13th, but instead follow the route of the sequels.

Filming begins next month with Marus Nispel in the directors chair.


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